Sunday, August 07, 2005


August 6th... 60 years ago, the first A-Bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima, and in the blink of an eye, over 160,000 souls got wiped off this planet. And even worse, it was repeated 3 days later in Nagasaki. And this terrible event brought end to a terrible war that was fueling the whole planet with violence and hatred.

No doubt, the A-Bomb brought an end to one of the most terrible eras in the history of this world, but in doing so, it has given birth to an even more terrible one. The Nuclear Age, where there are more Nuclear Warheads present than places to drop them. It is amazing what terrible creations the Human mind can think of. It started with the Sword, and now we are here with the A-Bombs and the H-Bombs. I cant even think whats in store for the next generation. Sometimes I wonder, maybe the reason why we cant find intelligent-life (or any kind of life) elsewhere in the Universe, is because they too got a bit too curious with the Physical limits of torture weapons, that they just erased themselves off the charts.

Yes it is a far thought... but, whats surprising is that such insanely remote sounding thoughts are as much plausible as the Holocaust or Serbia in today's world were countries front their Nuclear Arsenals. I believe it's time the people of the world step up to the Nutjobs working in the Departments of Defence, and put some sense into their puny brains. Yes, It's their Job Security... but, it's our life and our planet.

It's called the Peacekeeper, but we are hardly living in a world filled with peace. We are just faking "Peace" with "Fear."

1 comment:

vashok said...

True......Very True indeed....
And now theres start of a space weapons race.....When will it end....Or is it When will we end?