Saturday, November 05, 2005

Help our Bros across the Border!

Just wanted to ask all the random readers of this blog to help out the folks in Pakistan, who have been hit by the crazy earthquake. Unfortuantely, the earthquake hit on my birthday... and as nonsensical as it sounds, I felt a need to help them out. As if it was a message from Captain Planet and the Planeteers (alright, enough nonsense!)

Anyway, just wanted to remind those of you who were planning on donating money (the least one can do)... that planning is a nice gesture, but actual giving is what helps :) I got to doing it finally, after our buddy Mr.Musharaff reminded me by postponing his F-16 fleet purchase. And also, I wanted to feel good about something before I take the GRE on monday.

It worked... I do feel good about myself. Hopefeeling the feeling stays through monday :)

Monday, October 03, 2005

Oooh! My Nerdity Shines Upon Thee!

Just installed WordPress on my personal website couple of days ago, and got a Technical Blog up and running over there. I dont consider the content presented in that Blog super technical... but its definitely not gonna be some lame recollection of day to day events in my life that no one SHOULD be concerned about :) Anyway, go check it out ( It's gonna have some interesting, and mind-stimulating Technical articles in there about stuff that doesnt belong here in this lame blog... If any of you want to contribute to my tech blog, just ping me thru email. If I dont reply back, It probably means I dont consider you to be intelligent enough :P

In other news, got an award at work for that rare ocassion of doing some real work in the job. And just as a reminder of how ironic life is, the award was aptly named "Blue Moon" award. Though it was meant to describe the person receiving the award, I felt it was a better fit to the actual work that I did. (Sunil, if you ever get to read this blog, I am just kidding... I do really work). For the rest of you all... In case you havent figured it out yet, he's my manager :) Anyway, I really dont think that work deserves an award, but now that I got it, I cant give it back :D

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Fall is here!

Well it is almost end of september, and Fall is here. And all this means one thing... the Blogging starts again! Well folks ( I can count my readers with my 10 fingers ), this is the CPR post, just to bring the blog back to life, and its pulse beating again.

A Quick review of whats happened in the last 2 months... well, a Lot. Party (for this guy JO at work about to leave...), Party (JO leaving...), and more Partying (Let me sneak in the 3 days of Vegas here ;) ). Yes, went to Vegas again for Labor Day weekend, and had 3 nights of fun. Sadly, thats pretty much all the Deets I can spill. Havent y'all heard the saying "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?" I will upload some pimptastic pics on Flickr when I get a chance. Although by the time stuff gets on Flickr, it will all be censored out. Sort of like the Markendeya song from "New" :)

What else... Ooh! Almost forgot, went to Pittsburgh this weekend to visit a friend. Discovered what real Hiking is like (and its not pretty), and also discovered what I really wanna do with my life. Ascii! if you are reading this... please hook me up with any professor that you know who is working on Machine Learning / Computer Vision / Natural Language. Yeah, I know... its pretty detailed for an epiphany. I wanna do a PhD in that area of Computer Science.

Thats it for tonite. I will keep the bytes coming.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Life of Pi

Just started "LISTENING" to this book today, and I am already loving some of the things that are being said in it (Yes, I download audiobooks and listen to them... I cant strain my eyes by reading black glyphs on faded white paper for long hours :) ). I havent even passed the first chapter, and it already made me realize how proud I should be about myself... for, I AM A SCIENTIST.

From the book:
"Scientists are a friendly, atheistic, hard-working, beer-drinking lot, whose minds are filled with sex, chess, and baseball when not working"


Sunday, August 07, 2005


August 6th... 60 years ago, the first A-Bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima, and in the blink of an eye, over 160,000 souls got wiped off this planet. And even worse, it was repeated 3 days later in Nagasaki. And this terrible event brought end to a terrible war that was fueling the whole planet with violence and hatred.

No doubt, the A-Bomb brought an end to one of the most terrible eras in the history of this world, but in doing so, it has given birth to an even more terrible one. The Nuclear Age, where there are more Nuclear Warheads present than places to drop them. It is amazing what terrible creations the Human mind can think of. It started with the Sword, and now we are here with the A-Bombs and the H-Bombs. I cant even think whats in store for the next generation. Sometimes I wonder, maybe the reason why we cant find intelligent-life (or any kind of life) elsewhere in the Universe, is because they too got a bit too curious with the Physical limits of torture weapons, that they just erased themselves off the charts.

Yes it is a far thought... but, whats surprising is that such insanely remote sounding thoughts are as much plausible as the Holocaust or Serbia in today's world were countries front their Nuclear Arsenals. I believe it's time the people of the world step up to the Nutjobs working in the Departments of Defence, and put some sense into their puny brains. Yes, It's their Job Security... but, it's our life and our planet.

It's called the Peacekeeper, but we are hardly living in a world filled with peace. We are just faking "Peace" with "Fear."

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Grand Canyon and Vegas

For the 4th of July weekend, I drove with family to Grand Canyon, and Vegas. After driving for 15 hours straight with the short food stops, we arrived in Williams, AZ around 10.30 in the night. Went to bed around 1 after dinner and family talk, and had to wake up by 3 in the freakin morning to rush 70 miles to the Rim to watch the Sun rise over the mystic Canyon. That sight was well worth the long drive and short sleep, but after that... the day just got boring. You can only appreciate a pit in the earth so much :) And not having enough sleep wasnt helping either. Spent another night in Williams, and headed over to Hoover Dam the next day enroute to Las Vegas. The Dam never fails to amaze you, no matter how many times you have been to it. It's one of the marvels of Civil Engineering.

Moving along... Some places never get tiring, no matter how many times you have been there, and I am not talking about Grand Canyon or Hoover. Yes, Vegas Baby!!! It's that place that your "Dangerously living on the Edge" side calls home. All night clubbin... drinkin... gambling... shows... food... then back to clubbin. Did I miss sleeping in there?? Oh did I forget to mention, it's the City that never sleeps. So, in case any of you guys are missing that part of your personality... go find it in Vegas. Good thing, I had my Bro-In-Law's Bro (is that my BIL too?) to have fun in Vegas with... Can't party with family, and if you cant party, you cant have the total Vegas experience.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Not Long Long Ago, and definitely not in a Galaxy Far Far Away

I am not sure how many of you out there are Star Wars junkies. I am not one of them, although I did wait in line at the Movie Theater for 5 hours when Episode 1 launched in 98/99 (I was one of the dumb freshmen then...What do you expect?). So please forgive me when I spill out my honest opinion about the recent Prequels in the Saga -- They were amazing in effects and visuals, but totally-omni-fantastically-ubiquitously sucked in content. Episode 1 had Jar Jar Binks, and Episode 2 was just one big light-saber swingin Robe wearing Geek Orgy. (Or should I say, Illuminated dildo swingin gay slumberparty).

Episode 1 was a torturous experience especially after watching 4,5,6 (great movies!), and then waiting 5 hours in line... and then MeesaJarJarBinks comes along... and we all go "WTF???" Episode 2, I watched it just because every one else had seen it, and well Natalie Portman is kinda hot... not as much as the Original Princess Lea. But it was kinda Ewww to watch Queen Amidala and young Anakin hit on each other... cuz he is so much younger. (Just for the record, I feel the same way about Michael Douglas, and Catharine Zeta, so please dont shout sexist at me).

But, Episode 3... I am not quite so sure if I feel the same way about it. It's releasing this weekend, and from the Preview-reviews (Tongue Twister :)), It seems like this movie might be worth watching. Especially since the Washington Post draws similarities between the movie's storyline, and the current events happening. I have to admit, I am totally biased towards the Leftist view, and if there is a movie that can subtly bash at the Bush white house... I HAVE TO WATCH IT!!! Supposedly in the Movie, Anakin (Darth Vader) says to Obi Wan... "You are either with me, or you are my enemy"... and Obi-Wan replies "Only a Sith thinks in Absolutes!". Does anyone remember vaguely something that the president said before the Iraq war..."You are either with us, or against us"... and this from the president of the USA. What a fkin Dumbwit:) Anyway... I am gonna watch this movie, if not the first show, atleast the first week its out.

BTW... Heres the link to the Washington Post article.