Monday, October 03, 2005

Oooh! My Nerdity Shines Upon Thee!

Just installed WordPress on my personal website couple of days ago, and got a Technical Blog up and running over there. I dont consider the content presented in that Blog super technical... but its definitely not gonna be some lame recollection of day to day events in my life that no one SHOULD be concerned about :) Anyway, go check it out ( It's gonna have some interesting, and mind-stimulating Technical articles in there about stuff that doesnt belong here in this lame blog... If any of you want to contribute to my tech blog, just ping me thru email. If I dont reply back, It probably means I dont consider you to be intelligent enough :P

In other news, got an award at work for that rare ocassion of doing some real work in the job. And just as a reminder of how ironic life is, the award was aptly named "Blue Moon" award. Though it was meant to describe the person receiving the award, I felt it was a better fit to the actual work that I did. (Sunil, if you ever get to read this blog, I am just kidding... I do really work). For the rest of you all... In case you havent figured it out yet, he's my manager :) Anyway, I really dont think that work deserves an award, but now that I got it, I cant give it back :D