Monday, May 16, 2005

Not Long Long Ago, and definitely not in a Galaxy Far Far Away

I am not sure how many of you out there are Star Wars junkies. I am not one of them, although I did wait in line at the Movie Theater for 5 hours when Episode 1 launched in 98/99 (I was one of the dumb freshmen then...What do you expect?). So please forgive me when I spill out my honest opinion about the recent Prequels in the Saga -- They were amazing in effects and visuals, but totally-omni-fantastically-ubiquitously sucked in content. Episode 1 had Jar Jar Binks, and Episode 2 was just one big light-saber swingin Robe wearing Geek Orgy. (Or should I say, Illuminated dildo swingin gay slumberparty).

Episode 1 was a torturous experience especially after watching 4,5,6 (great movies!), and then waiting 5 hours in line... and then MeesaJarJarBinks comes along... and we all go "WTF???" Episode 2, I watched it just because every one else had seen it, and well Natalie Portman is kinda hot... not as much as the Original Princess Lea. But it was kinda Ewww to watch Queen Amidala and young Anakin hit on each other... cuz he is so much younger. (Just for the record, I feel the same way about Michael Douglas, and Catharine Zeta, so please dont shout sexist at me).

But, Episode 3... I am not quite so sure if I feel the same way about it. It's releasing this weekend, and from the Preview-reviews (Tongue Twister :)), It seems like this movie might be worth watching. Especially since the Washington Post draws similarities between the movie's storyline, and the current events happening. I have to admit, I am totally biased towards the Leftist view, and if there is a movie that can subtly bash at the Bush white house... I HAVE TO WATCH IT!!! Supposedly in the Movie, Anakin (Darth Vader) says to Obi Wan... "You are either with me, or you are my enemy"... and Obi-Wan replies "Only a Sith thinks in Absolutes!". Does anyone remember vaguely something that the president said before the Iraq war..."You are either with us, or against us"... and this from the president of the USA. What a fkin Dumbwit:) Anyway... I am gonna watch this movie, if not the first show, atleast the first week its out.

BTW... Heres the link to the Washington Post article.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Quick ReWind! and some words on Bullshit :)

So heres the Quick REW... Okay, I have been super busy for the past 1 month... over closing my house purchase... that I booked for construction in December..FFW... House looks sweet, had a walkthrough scheduled for today morning.. REW... some dudes tried to break in to steal the kitchen appliances (luckily before I signed the papers), so the walkthrough is rescheduled for next week... FFW into Future.. Hopefully I can sign and get the house next week, which I am not sure whether to feel happy about it or sad, since I am getting a new house, but at the same time a nice FAT LOAN worth over a third of a Million :(

And heres the fun stuff on Bullshit. Unlike boring normal people, I get my daily news from this funny as hell show aptly named "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart on Comedy Central. And a couple of weeks ago, he hosted a Yale professor who published a book, "on Bullshit". And in that book, the professor explains that there are 3 kinds of people. Those who speak the truth, those who speak the lie, and those who bullshit... and according to him, its the third kind thats the most dangerous, since they have no respect or concern for the truth. (Even liers know what the truth is... but BSers dont).

Anyway, last week I happened to have the privilege of being one such person, and guess what? The professor was right! I got stuff done, that I couldnt have done if I had been worrying about whether I was speaking facts, or making shit up on the fly. I had an argument with the house builder (The Seller) on Saturday over the terms of an incentive, and when I came up with financial terms that sound so genuine like "Non Occupant Co-signer" and such... even my Loan Officer (The Bank Lender) couldnt resist to agree with me. And I get the lender approve my loan on some crazy terms (get discount since my mom is an employee of the bank, but still not have my mom's name on the title), so that I can qualify for the incentive (which the seller had to agree since only my name is on the loan)... And then later that night, even I was surprised to find out that there exists no such thing as a "Non-Occupant Cosigner." But, the lender understood it in some way, and the seller understood it in some way, and I got things done.

Thats Bullshit for you!